How To Hook Up Free Internet From Mediacom

Posted on  by admin

I first ordered the service before moving to the property I purchased and things only got much worse. When the problems began, I had a modem for their high speed Internet service, that would go out and yet the lights would work as if it were online. I called the 800 number several times and tech support were able to find the problems using their diagnostic equipment which connects to the modem while talking to the tech support over the phone. It took almost a week to get a technician to my home.
When the technician arrived, I explained what tech support told me about the modem and what was wrong. The guy walked into my home and to where the modem was and looked at me and exclaimed 'I am the Light Guy'. I asked what he meant thinking he was going to say something in a joking manner and he looked at me with a very stupid face and exclaimed ' I am the light guy (again), Whenever I see the lights working, I leave. He then turned, walked out the door without so much as another word and to his truck and speed off.
I called their office and told them what the technician told me and it could take as long as two weeks to send another technician to my home. Then like a script right out from the 'Twilight Zone', the same technician who called himself the 'Light Guy' showed up again. He was late and Mediacom called me asking if he had showed up yet. I told the person from Mediacom that he had showed up while telling the technician I would be right with him. The lady I was with at the time was dressing and getting ready for work. This guy stuck his head in the door to try to look at her dressing and I told him I would be right with him as soon as I could hang up the phone and shut the door. I told the person on the phone that he had showed up, hung up the phone and opened the door and was going to let him in, only he was in his truck again speeding off the property as a high rate of speed. There were children playing and it was a mobile home park.
I called Mediacom back and told him the 'light Guy' left again without looking at the modem or even coming in at all. Another three weeks go by and they finally sent a different person who replaced the modem and promised me a free month of Internet service when he checked and found the modem was in fact bad and the cause of the problems all along. The technician apologized and promised they would never send the same guy to work on my equipment again. I even saw the same 'Light Guy' at the supermarket in the parking lot walking into the store and I asked him why he left the way he did, and he told me that he had a very bad day and apologized for leaving the way he did. Then he had the nerve to tell me that the woman who was dressing had a nice body. I was so angry at this idiot that I called Mediacom and reported him for what he told me.
I then purchased a nice property about 10 minutes from the mobile home park where I was living and ordered Mediacom. It took almost two weeks for the technicians to show up, and sure enough it was the 'Light Guy'. I went ahead and told him to go ahead and hook up the cable and that we also ordered a new cable run underneath the house and was willing to pay the fee they charged for that and he showed it on his order form. He then started to hook up the modem and everything and got to the last wire where he needed to connect a new 'T' connector to the new cable he was supposed to run under the house. The idiot handed me the 'T' and told me I should save money by running the cable under the house myself or hire someone else to do it as he said he had too many other orders and just didn't feel like running the new wire under the house. I told him I am severely disabled from a serious surgery to my lower back and hip that was fairly recent and had complications. He just basically threw the 'T' connector to me and sped off again and this time peeling out on my gravel driveway which threw a lot of rocks towards me and actually a rock hit me in the leg and hurt and left a small bruise.
I called Mediacom and told them the 'Light Guy' failed to finish the job and I ended up having to pay a friend to run the new cable under the house and finish the job for almost twice what Mediacom promised to charge. The reception was just terrible and after called several times they finally sent out a technician while promising to never send the 'Light Guy' back to my property ever again.
A new technician then told me that for some unknown reason the signal was poor but promised to come back and fix everything so it would work. He returned the next day and when he left, the signal was still very bad. I could barely receive any of the upper channels and the lower channels had a lot of snow and was very poor as far as quality. I called several times and complained about the poor quality of the signal and they even showed I had a very poor reception to my high speed Internet modem.
Almost two years go by and the same problems persisted. I finally got so fed up with the horrible service that I went ahead and canceled the service. I found that most days I had no signal at all during business hours or when there was a high traffic periods on the Internet.
I was still severely disabled but going to college so I could some day find a job I could hopefully do from home and decided to go ahead and earn my degrees and certifications and needed a good service I could depend on but had very large files to send back and forth to the college courses.
Then about 5 months after using the new service, a person claiming to be the manager from the local office knocked on my door. He asked me if he could take a look at my cable and asked me what service I was using. I then showed him my dish that he could not see and first and I was almost sure he was going to accuse me of not paying for service or something at first. he then told me that if I switched back to Mediacom, he would personally give me credit for what turned out to add up to about two months of free Internet and TV service. I reluctantly agreed and was told I did not have to worry about the bill for the next two months.
Well, sure enough I got a bill for the two free months of service I was supposed to receive. I went to the local office and the woman at the desk refused to allow me to talk to any manager but said she would have one call me. She told me then that she is the only person who can authorize any sort of credits and told me I had to pay for the two months I was told I would not have to pay if I switched over. I was very very sick at the time and just did not have the strength to argue. I went ahead and reluctantly paid the bill for the two free months of service I was supposed to receive.
The service did not change one bit. It was just as bad and even got worse over time. They continued to send the technicians and they never were able to fix the problem. I was so very ill at the time I had no strength to argue anymore and told them again after two and a half more years of the awful service and having to pay for a back up service for when during the day the internet would not work. I was so angry at them because I even ended up receiving some pretty bad grades for assignments that were large and i could not turn in using the phone internet service. I got so angry and told them to go ahead and disconnect the service again and I told them I had already ordered another service to come in. Mediacom was the only cable service that offered the high speed at the time that I was able to receive at my location.
Then they sent out a new technician who proclaimed 'I am the best technician / engineer that they have and I will find the problem if you will give me the time to do so. I told him to go ahead and if he could fix it I would wait to hire a different service.
Then the new technician asked me to step outside which I did with the help of my personal assistant. He then showed me the wire coming in to my property. Showed me how small the gauge of the wire was and it looked like an old out of date wire that someone who knew nothing about hooking up cable hooked up. The wired was badly weathered and the connection was so lousy that the tech could hardly receive a signal at all on his meter or on the web site that kept stating there was no service and and the usual white page showing no connection.
This technician called the 800 number to their main offices and told them that I had gone through almost 5 years of this horrible awful service and then promised me four months of free Internet and television service. It took almost two months for them to install a new cable from down the highway and across the highway using a PG&E pole that has a large transducer or whatever it is called on the top of the pole. When they finally finished the job that day it worked absolutely perfect.
Then I got a knock on the door and one of the young lineman who worked on the new line looked as though he was ready to fall into tears and start crying or something. He then told me that he had discovered after completing the job of installing the new cable across the highway, that he nor anyone knew that Mediacom did not have the proper permits to run the new cable across the highway they way that they did. He told me that he had a new family and baby and he could not afford to have to pay a huge fine so he was going to quit his job and apologized and told me that he just wanted to be honest with me.
Then the real fun started. Because I did not know if I could also get into trouble if I did not report the incident to the proper authorities I asked for Mediacom to have their manager from the local office to call me regarding this issue. I then was told I had a rather large outstanding balance that i was overdue on by a few months that I was supposed to receive as free credits. I decided to go to the local office again and brave the horrible pain of having to make it up to the steps that they have and no special entrance for wheelchairs or handicapped people so I had to walk in with the help of my personal assistant. When the lady at the desk finally got to me, I asked to see a manager about the bill and the promised credits I was supposed to receive for almost 5 years of just the worst most awful service.
She told me that regardless of what any manager told me I would still have to pay the outstanding balance before I could talk to any manager. I went ahead and paid the bill and waited almost another hour for a manager to appear. He told me that his name was Shawn and that he was the main general manager for the local office. I told him about all the problems I had and he said he already was aware of the problems and me having to pay for the promised credits I was supposed to receive and she could care less and I had to pay irregardless.
He then smirked and announce that although he was aware I was to receive four months of credits for over four years of awful service he said that all he could give me was two free months of credits. I was appalled but there was not other high speed service and I had no other choice until now.
I reported Mediacom not having the proper permits to run new cable to my home and I was told that they do that all the time and I am not the first to complain. I was then sent another bill for the equipment and told I would not receive any of the credits I was promised and they wanted a $100.00 fee to reconnect and as a future deposit.
Needless to say to make a long story short, I found a much better service. I now have wireless broadband through AT& that works great and is cheaper and I told Mediacom that I will never use them again and am looking to hire a lawyer to force Mediacom to fix the damaged wires and poles to my home and the tweaked doors and windows that I will have to pay someone to fix. I'm also hoping to maybe get a judgment ordering them to give me credits for every month I went with the bad cable to my home that they obviously knew about all along.
I would never give this Mediacon company the time of day but I did sent back their equipment and the lady on the phone who wanted to charge me all the money to reconnect can take her job and put it where Mediacom's head doesn't know what the other end is doing.
Do yourselves all a favor and check to make sure they had the proper permits and complain to the proper authorities if they did not.
Good Luck to you all and please find another service!!!

How To Hook Up Free Internet From Mediacom

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Free Internet Government Program

  • What is Family Cable?

    Family Cable offers an affordable and broad choice of channels to meet the viewing needs of all the members of your household. You can enjoy your choice of spectacular sports and entertainment, breaking news stories and in-depth reports, intriguing educational programs and your favorite local shows. There are networks for food-lovers, movie-goers, history buffs as well as local broadcast channels, too. In many areas, Family Cable includes local community and local sports programming unavailable on satellite.

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  • How many TV sets can I have with Family cable?

    When you place your order for Family Cable, we will connect service on up to three TV sets in your household! More than 3 TV's may require amplifier equipment for additional one time installation fees.

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  • Will I have access to local programming?

    Mediacom Family Cable includes local broadcast channels covering your own area news, weather, sports and other local programming.

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  • What are the advantages of digital cable?

    Digital cable offers clear digital pictures and enhanced sound on a broad array of television and commercial-free music channels. Once you have Family Cable, it's easy to add-on the digital cable package that's right for you and your family, from Star Paks featuring multiple channels of premium networks and On Demand services, to new services like HDTV and DVR. There are many more advantages with digital cable TV including parental control you can access and manage through your digital remote control.

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  • Are services available in my area?

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  • How can I order?

    You can place an order online by following the link below or you can call 1-877-304-7466 and have a Customer Service Representative assist you.

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  • How can I get a channel lineup?

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  • Do I have to sign a contract?

    No, you don't have to sign a contract. We are confident that the packages and prices we are offering are going to exceed your expectations, but there are no strings attach and you can cancel at any time without having to worry about a contract.

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  • How do I get Music Choice?

    Music Choice is automatically included in every Digital Star Pak. 24 hours of music on up to 46 commercial-free channels*
    Crystal-clear digital, CD-quality sound
    Exclusive interviews and live performances from the hottest artists

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  • What are my Mediacom Online options?

    Mediacom Online is a High-Speed Internet service enabling customers to download at speeds up to 10 Mbps. There is no dialing in, which frees up your phone line and allows a constant Internet connection.
    Mediacom Online MAX is a High-Speed Internet service with download speeds up to 20 Mbps and upload speeds up to 2 Mbps.
    Mediacom Online MAX is a super speedway for gaming and downloading large files. This new service is packed with premium features, including a wireless router for multiple connections in the home and branded premium content.
    With Mediacom VIP, you can get Digital Cable, Digital Phone and Mediacom Online, and a speed upgrade to 10 Mbps as a bonus.

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  • What are the computer requirements for Mediacom Online services?

    • Windows(R) 2000, 2003, XP, Vista
    • 256 MB RAM
    • 50 MB of hard drive space
    • 200 MHz processor
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  • How does Mediacom Online service connect to the Internet? What is the process?

    Mediacom customers connect to the Internet through a high-speed cable modem that links your computer to Mediacom's fiber-optic coaxial cable network. By splitting the coaxial cable line that comes into your residence, you can access the Internet without any phone lines.
    Do I need special equipment?
    Mediacom Online service provides Internet access through a CableLabs certified modem. The cost of leasing this modem is included in the site posted monthly fees for our Mediacom Online services. The cable modem required for Mediacom Online 8 Mbps service can be purchased separately at various retail and Internet outlets. The modem required for the Mediacom Online Max service needs to be provided by Mediacom.

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  • Can I install the service myself?

    You can install Mediacom Online and save time and money with our easy to use self-installation kit. The kit contains everything you need to connect to the Mediacom Online service.
    If you prefer, you can make an appointment for a professional installation of Mediacom Online service, which may be subject to an installation charge. This includes the installation of the modem, coaxial cable, drivers and activation. As part of the installation, the installer will set your homepage, configure your email and Internet, etc.
    Mediacom Online Max service requires a professional installation. Please contact your Mediacom Representative for any special installation offers for this service.

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  • What is a home network?

    A network is a group of computers, printers, and other devices that are connected together with cables. Information travels over the cables, allowing network users to exchange documents and data with each other, print to the same printers, and generally share any hardware or software that is connected to the network within a single family residence.

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  • How is a home network configured?

    A home network is configured by first connecting a cable modem to a cable outlet. Then a router connects to your cable modem and distributes the signal to other devices to share the connection, files, printers and/or Internet-ready game consoles. The router also acts as a firewall to help protect your home network and files from outsiders. In new devices today, the router and cable modem are integrated into one easy-to-use device

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  • Why should I consider a home network?

    It allows you to share a high-speed Internet connection among computers/devices in your home - which can be online at the same time.

    • Allows you to save money by sharing a single Internet connection.
    • To share a printer among several computers.
    • To access files easily from your networked computers without having to email or copy them.
    • To play networked or Internet-ready video games like Microsoft Xbox.
    • To help protect your computers and files with built-in firewall security.
    • To access the Internet from your laptop throughout your home.
    • Are Mediacom Online services available for my business?
      Mediacom Online services are for residential accounts only. Mediacom offers a variety of online business services packages. Learn more
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  • If I have questions whom do I call?

    You can get assistance by calling customer support at 1-866-452-4747.

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